Monday, July 20, 2009

Anwar And Najib, You Are Challenged to A Duel

Mr. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak,

I have observed that Anwar has blamed Beng Hock tragic death on MACC with the real intention to smear you politically. At this moment, I think the 64% favorable rating that you enjoyed just last week has plummeted to 40% or so, and might go further down. This certainly seems very unfair to you.

You see, MACC and PDRM have employed hundreds of thousand law enforcement officers. You are not a superman who can ensure every one of them is good and complying with the law. Anwar keeps you busy with every single problem pops up, and you are so busy with fire-fighting all the time that you have no time to prevent future problems.

I think they might hide from you an easy solution that can solve all you headache. What if we can shift some of the blame due to future MACC/PDRM misdeeds onto Pakatan? I think there is a way, but they won't tell you, because they just want to kick your ass for every problem ever appears in government institutions. Their intention is so obvious that even a 10 year-old can tell. We know no government institution is perfect, not even in USA, the oldest democracy on earth. So, it is not possible to create a perfect MACC/PDRM. So, I think you need a strategy that is not relying on perfect MACC/PDRM to counter the nastiest opponent of the entire Malaysia history.

How can you make PR bear some blame for the future misdeeds of MACC and PDRM? The key is to send a mutated "Trojan Horse" in the form of power sharing. In particular, you pretend to share power by allowing Pakatan to conduct confirmation hearing and vote on the appointment and re-appointment of MACC/PDRM heads. You of course maintain the power of selecting candidate to be confirmed and enjoy more than 50% votes in the parliament. You can pass law that requires two-thirds majority votes in Parliament to confirm a candidate, so that you look fair and Pakatan can participate the confirmation with their votes, which is less than 40%. When MACC makes their next mistake, which will surely soon happen since it is not so clean to start with, for every two fingers pointing to you, you can point at least one to Pakatan. After all, Pakatan has confirmed the MACC leaders. Actually, you can take the offensive by taking the initiative to sack the top brass with minimum injury to yourselves. With that disguised power sharing, you will look magnanimous and give an extra meaning to the 1-Malaysia concept. You see, Anwar won't get a lot of brownie points for future MCAA/PDRM misdeeds or crime, and his Putrajaya dream can never be realized.

But you lose 100% control on MACC and PDRM? Don’t worry. There are much more thing you can do as a prime minister. Just like a chess game, what is a big deal to sacrifice a pawn in order to keep the King. After all, you keep one more trophy for the very concept only you can conceive of: 1-Malaysia.

You see your opponent is very sinister. They want to keep you feel you are in control when things are smooth. But it is that very perception that you are in control that they use to kick your ass when something go wrong.

On top of all the above criticism throw your way over Mr Teoh's death, they have time and again ridiculed you being a womanizer and of a lesser man.

After seeing every angle possible, I think you have been challenged by Anwar for a duel. You must take the challenge, and don't send emissaries to deal with such an outrageous challenge. If you don't take up the challenge, you lose not only your manhood, but also any chance of re-election.

I believe what I put down here is truth as I perceive the situation. I believe I am your genuine supporter.

Your True Supporter,
Shiou Loh


Mr. Anwar Ibrahim,

At Pakatan, we all are committed to democracy. Just like any healthy democracy, appointment of important positions such as heads of MACC/PDRM requires confirmation hearing in the assembly where both the current administration and opposition can question the candidate for his suitability for the job. If this type of confirmation hearing and the subsequence voting are executed, I am pretty sure we can vet out horrendous candidates such as Syed Hamid Akbar.

To my chagrin, you are not given any say to the appointment of key positions such as MACC/PDRM heads even though you are handed 82 MPs-strong mandates in the last election. You have almost 40% of seats in parliament and close to 50% of popular votes. I think Najib has intentionally humiliated you by ignoring what you have gain in the last election. He hopes by humiliating you, you will look weak and does not looks like a viable candidate for future prime minister. I think such humiliation is outrageous.

I can imagine Najib, the worst prime minister ever exists in Malaysia history, sneering with Berita Harian's devilish smile (Senyum Kambing) at your effort to garner 10 thousand plus supporters at Kelana Stadium over Mr. Teoh death. Through ignoring the support that you got, he virtually uses his giant thumb squashing the supports from Kelana Stadium and mandate from 82-MPs just like I squashed that annoying fly over lunch just now. The fly didn’t even give a beep when I squashed it. When I imagine Najib does that, it make me irate like hell.

I know you know that leaders in a democracy system must and should willingly subject to the judgment of the people through taking tough position on issues. Then people select the best presenters to be their leaders. All leaders in democracy must take that risk of taking position just to make democracy to work. If you are not willingly to make a position (for or against) on MACC reform that is consisting of having PR to bear partial responsibility in appointing top brass of MACC, you are not submitting yourself to democracy principle. You see, now even the fence sitters suspect your commitment for democracy.

After you participate in confirming MACC/PDRM leaders, what if they blame you now when something goes wrong with MACC/PDRM? Don't worry. For every finger pointing your way, you still can point two fingers to your opponent since they propose the candidate and have more than half votes. But the good part is once you chirp away his power, even though by a little, you are closest to Putrajaya since you last became DPM.

On top of all the belittling on the mandate that you got, many people accuse you for “playing from behind” and suspect your manhood. Mind you, it is not only Najib's supporters who accuse you, even now the fence sitters suspect your manhood if you don't fight from the "front" in an open field over MACC/PDRM reform.

After seeing every angle possible, I think you have been challenged by Najib for a duel. You must take the challenge by yourself, and not sending any emissaries because this is such an outrageous challenge. How can you let the 10 thousand people attending the Kelana Stadium under Pakatan call to be insulted? Once you are humiliated and not fight back, your chance to remain a viable Prime Minister is slipping away.

I believe what I put down here is truly reflecting the situation, and I believe I am your genuine supporter. Most Malaysians go berserk or crazy when they read up to this point because they have difficulty to put two opposing ideas in their brains simultaneously. They might start using the infamous snake comparison and say "if you see a snake with one head and another with two heads, which one you will kill first". I believe what I put down here is neither sarcastic nor funny, but some might think so.

Your True Supporter,
Shiou Loh

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